Shadowvale is a place, but it's more than that. It stands for people who will not be dominated by any adversity, and will fight to keep
their independence from those forces that seek to subjugate or destroy their way of life. It is located on an island in the North Western Hemisphere of RhyDin, near several dimensional convergence points; these
points include the worlds of Kree, Neverwinter, and Earth. It was established a little over two years ago by Devon Claymore, who brought his friend and employer Cherylle there to recover from grievous injuries she had
suffered at the hand of her now ex husband. Shadowvale has since been a haven for any deemed worthy of character by Devon and his immediate friends and family. It has had its share of problems, however. Several times
it has been attacked by various evil entities that seek to exploit either the dimensional convergence points or the people who stay there. One of the last times it was attacked, by a creature known as Arsloch, it was
temporarily jolted out of dimensional phase with the rest of RhyDin, sending most of its residents scattering throught the multiverse. Devon Claymore was among those lost until recently. WyldEyes, head of security for
Shadowvale, tracked down many of the former residents and has been returning those who wished to go back to Shadowvale. In the absence of most of the populace, Devon's daughter, Sheryl, had assumed control of things,
awaiting her father's return. Since the defeat of Arsloch, others have challenged for control of Shadowvale... It seems the fight for Shadowvale is not over yet! What part will you play in it?